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Hair Extension Weave: It’s Time To Style Your Hair Differently

Hair Extension Weave: It's Time To Style Your Hair Differently


Hair Extension Weave: It’s Time To Style Your Hair Differently

If you’ve been looking for a way to spice up your look, a hair extension weave might be just what you need. You’ll love how easy it is to style your hair and change up the colour whenever you want. If you’re new to this sort of thing, though, it can be hard to know where to start. 

What are the different types of weaves? What do they cost? How long will they last? And most importantly—will they damage my natural hair or not? In this post, we’ll answer all these questions and more so that by the time you finish reading here, you’ll feel ready (and excited!) about taking on a hair extension Sydney weave project yourself!

Why should you get a hair extension weave?

So, you’ve made the decision to purchase a hair extension weave. You want to know what it’s like having long hair, but you just don’t have the patience or time to grow your natural locks into something similar. 

Or perhaps you’re tired of your current style and want something different for a change. No matter your reason for opting for an extension weft, you’re sure to be pleased with the results!

  • Change Your Look in Minutes: If you’ve ever dreamed of having long hair but didn’t think it was possible because of its cost or length, then this is definitely an option worth considering.

 You can have any length or colour that suits your needs without having to spend several hours under a stylist’s scissors and dryer each month (or even worse—without taking care of yourself at all).

  • Experimenting with Different Styles Is Easy: With an extension weft, there are no limits as far as styling goes; experiment with braids, ponytails; buns, and more! 

One day it might be straightened down past bra strap level while another day it could be curled into an inverted bob cut that hangs just above eye height at its longest point (the possibilities really are endless). You’ll never run out of ways to wear yours once they’re installed properly into place!

Hair Extension Weave: It's Time To Style Your Hair Differently

What makes a good hair extension weave?

  • Human hair is the best type of hair to use in a weave. It’s real and will last longer than synthetic or synthetic-blended extensions.
  • The best quality human hair comes from India and Brazil, but if you’re looking for something cheaper, there are other options as well (like China). Just be aware that you’ll get what you pay for!
  • The company selling it should also tell you how they treat their products before shipping them out. This can include anything from dying the strands to mixing them with silicone or keratin treatments (more on those later).
  • Look for a weave with high-quality cuticles so that your natural locks don’t get tangled up in them after installation! The more treatments used on these extensions, the better quality they’ll be overall—so finding one that’s been dyed black would be ideal here because it means that no dyeing chemicals were added during production.


In the end, it’s all about getting your hair styled in a way that makes you look and feel good. If you want to try out some new looks but don’t know where to start, we recommend starting with two words: “extension weave.” 

You can get the benefits of longer or thicker hair without having to worry about damaging your natural locks or spending hours in front of the mirror. So if you’ve been thinking about going for a hair extension Sydney—do it!

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