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What are the different types of Bahamas Shutters?

Bahamas Shutters

Roller Shutters

What are the different types of Bahamas Shutters?

Everyone needs their personal space. Who does not want privacy and protection?

Blinds or curtains can indeed provide you privacy, but they cannot protect you from certain weather conditions or various temperature shifts. At the same time, Shutters Melbourne can provide you with all. Shutters may be a little expensive option, but when it comes to privacy, you should not look any further. A little expense is way better than compromising on durability and protection.

With technical innovations, so many types of shutters have been introduced and are still being introduced with innovative features that can cover as many needs of customers as they can. But the primary aim of shutters is to provide you privacy, weather condition protection and adjustment to sun rays entering the room.

You can decide on the shutters type according to the location of your house. For example, if you are located in an area with extreme weather conditions like frequent or seasonal storm surges, heavy monsoon, floods, and more, then you can choose the Bahama shutters as your best option because Bahamas shutters are the toughest ones and can resist the strong weather conditions and stand tall during the times.

Bermuda Shutters or Bahama Shutters:

The designs, styles, and functions of the shutters differ by model types. Bahama shutters are also referred to as Bermuda shutters. They can stand in stark contrast because they have top hinges. The top hinge feature is accessible when the homeowners want to push their shutters out and away from their house. Many other shutter styles have side hinges, which allow the homeowner to open the shutters from the centre seam and push them away from the house.

If you are looking for side-hinged shutters, then below are the types they include:

Board and Batten shutters

Board and Batten shutters

Board and Batten shutters include slabs of large and shapely shutter material. It has rough-hewn designs that are crafted to style the shutters.

Louvred shutters

Louvred shutters

Louvred shutters have a wooden frame that consists of wooden slats as well. These are usually made up of Vinyl or Fibreglass. If you want to block off large panel windows or windows in series, then Louvred shutters make a great choice for you. Louvred shutters are mostly used in buildings since they can be used for multiple window series and can be customised.

Panel Shutters

Panel Shutters

Panel shutters can be considered as a European style or concept. They are customisable and can fit period architecture or the decor of your house. They have one or more recessed rectangular panels and are usually square set inside the shutter frames. They often have the models available made up of Vinyl or Fibreglass.


Before you make any purchase for Shutters Melbourne Australia wide, do a little research about the types and styles available in the market or call the agency directly and ask them what type and styles would suit your requirements the best.

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