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Essential NDIS Support Coordination Requirements You Should Look Out For

NDIS support coordination Melbourne


Essential NDIS Support Coordination Requirements You Should Look Out For

If you’re looking for Support coordination Melbourne, you’ve likely read about software, or have already gotten in touch with an NDIS supplier and been reassured that they will provide support coordination. But are all NDIS suppliers equal? Sure, they may all be claiming they offer a service to help your NDIS plan succeed – this is what the law requires of them.

In an effort to make the transition easier, a lot of changes were done to the NDIS support coordination.

  • Responsibility of the NDIS support coordinator

Being an NDIS support coordinator can be stressful, especially when you have to deal with the many obstacles that come with the role. You need to understand the roles and duties of all parties involved: yourself as coordinator and other NDIS support coordinators, participants, children and caregivers, family members, etc. Believe it or not there are specific ways in which you should perform your job.

NDIS providers often find that they have to take on a lot of extra clients/responsibilities facing the pressure of inadequate care and feedback. NDIS providers are told that they are responsible for coordinating with their own staff, residential carers, and families for support. This means developing an awareness of their responsibilities and who is accountable for tasks and obligations needed to keep the home running smoothly. They also need to develop good working relationships with other agencies who contribute to that work such as case managers, psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, health dietitians, social workers, aging link workers etc

NDIS support coordination Melbourne

  • Important information to include in your NDIS website

-website must have ease of use; be responsive and mobile-friendly

-Your website must contain intuitive language, information and features to ensure it is readily accessible to users with varying abilities

-Include easy links to related documents and policies, so that your website can better inform users they are entitled to an NDIS plan

-Your company must not discriminate against someone because of their disability

-The use of colours in your site should aim to correspond with the brand identity you wish to portray

The checklist you need to have when leaving your business. You should have your essential Business NDIS Coordinator check off the checklist found in Section 28 of the NDIS Plan before you leave or leave supervision.

  • How to find an NDIS helpline?

Finding a helpline for the National Disability Insurance Scheme can be difficult. The most common way to find one is online. You can search for it on the Australian Government website, the NDIS website, or contact an agency near you. If there is not a helpline for the region you are in, keep trying until there is one nearest to you. There are also some phone numbers that provide other resources such as video calls, information about sign language interpreters, and translation services.


There are certain aspects of the NDIS support coordination Melbourne that you must take into consideration when preparing for coordination. You must be responsible for determining which providers or locations will provide access to support. You also need to provide access to child care so that other family members can assist in the assessment for early intervention services. The most important part of NDIS is working closely with your case manager to ensure everyone meets their needs.

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