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Augmented Reality for Education: A Game Changer?

augmented reality in education


Augmented Reality for Education: A Game Changer?

Augmented reality (AR) has been the subject of much hype over the past several years, and with good reason. AR tech has the potential to completely change the way we interact with information. From learning new skills to exploring historic events, there are many ways in which AR can be leveraged to enhance our day-to-day lives and improve access to information for all levels of learners.

What Is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. As a result, an augmented reality experience can be viewed as either augmented or mediated, depending on one’s perspective.

6 Ways AR Will Transform the Classroom

augmented reality for education is already used in some classrooms and businesses as a supplement to traditional teaching methods. With recent advances in technology, it’s poised to go mainstream. Here are six ways augmented reality will transform education. This Will Be Bigger Than We Think: If you’re familiar with virtual reality, augmented reality is kind of like that—but more real. AR can overlay computer-generated graphics on top of what you see in real life. This can be useful when trying to learn about something new or complicated; imagine if you could hold up your phone while visiting a foreign city and get information about local attractions overlaid on your view of them.

augmented reality in education

How Will Teachers Use It?

One of AR’s major advantages is how it can be used to provide a personalized experience. This means students can benefit from information tailored to their specific needs, rather than generic lessons being taught to everyone in a classroom. (This is especially important when teaching students with special needs or learning disabilities.) In short, augmented reality could lead to much more effective education experiences that are more personalized and engaging.

The Future of AR in Schools

The potential of augmented reality in education is vast. A major benefit of AR is its unique ability to engage students, providing opportunities for students to actively participate and be active learners rather than passive receivers of information. This is particularly beneficial for children with learning disabilities or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The same gameification that makes video games appealing could make educational AR apps equally exciting—and educational institutions have already begun exploring AR technology in greater depth. In addition, as noted by Gartner Group, educators may use mobile devices equipped with 3D cameras to monitor a child’s facial expressions during interactions; they may then tailor lesson plans based on their observations or feedback from parents regarding a child’s behavior during an activity.

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